Adam Lindsay said this at Mon, 21 Mar 2005 00:00:57 +0000:

>Although you can use the utf regime with XeConTeXt, you are often better
>off not using it. (It depends on which 

[oops, sent too soon...]
Using the UTF regime with XeConTeXt makes you reliant on the characters
defined in enco-uc/unic-0xx. Not using the UTF regime means that
XeConTeXt passes the unicode directly to Apple's font engine, so you then
rely on the characters defined in the font. It's a tricky trade-off in
some cases, but most of the time, don't bother with \enableregime[utf]
with XeConTeXt.

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21        +44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK             Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

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