Le 23 mars 05, à 08:56, Hans Hagen a écrit :

indeed, btw, it will be an interesting challenge to keep translations in sync

To keep several translations in sync, it should be one and only one document
reference (english (or french? ;-) )
The worst thing would be if some chapter (e.g. using the standard amsl/nath
package) were in advance in one translation over some other chapter
("using the standard bib package" or "the prefered TABLE package",
or "context 2 html translation", ...)

Also probably, it would be better to have some uptodate doc witch were
only partialy translated, than having a full but outdated french doc.

Another (long term) remarks/questions:

I think the "Context: an excursion" is the better context doc out there
(seems more practicle for begining than the reference book, for now)
But will be this true in the future ?
- what will contains the future book already mentioned here?
- when could it be expected?
- will the Context reference manuel be updated?
- which context doc will exists 3 years later?
     - one (or more?) commercial english context book
     - one multitranslation "excursion" free books
     - numerous, very specialised "myWay" documents
     - if the current "reference manual" book is not to be upgrade
       then the "Context: an excursion" will be that.
     - a automatic generate reference documentation, based on
       the context tex code??

Translating such a documentation is a great (and eavy) job,
but it can't be done without some stategic considerations.

-- Maurice

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