On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 06:17:39PM +0200, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
> Sorry to say, but in this case, no solution would be much better than
> this solution. 

Really? Wow! So if if the requirements for some document are hanging
indents footnotes, and I have asked how to do them on the mailing list,
and no one gives me a solution; and I then use my solution and create a
nice looking document and satisfy the requirements, say for the thesis
committee--that is *worse* than producing a document that does not fulfill
the requirements and is not accepted? Wow, that's amazing that Patrick
Gunlach as power over the editors and committees. 

>There is nothing(!) worse than mixing visual markup with
> logical markup this way. 

Except no solution at all when you have a deadline to meet and must
produce a document. Or except global warming. A little perspective would
be nice.

>We are in a fully programmable environment,
> and it is extremely unConTeXtish to hack the visual appearance. 

I am an XML author, so am pretty amazed to hear that one should not mix
appearance and content in ConTeXt. Most of a ConTeXt document involves
visual appearance. What is one saying when one writes \blank[12pt]?

>If I
> have some minutes off tonight, I'll look into it. But I'd guess that
> Hans already has several different solutions to this problem, because
> every time I write "no solution yet" on this mailinglist, Hans
> presents some unknown/forgotten secret.

Yes, that would be nice.  But until I see a concrete solution, I will
continue to use and post my solution. A rule of etiquette is that if you
don't have a better solution, or don't want to document it, don't attack
the current solution, not matter how impure. 



*Paul Tremblay         *
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