On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 12:24:35AM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
> From: Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Paul Tremblay wrote:
> >The manual and others have given good advice on how to do the most
> >basic placment of floats, such as forcing it onto a new page.
> >
> >How does one get even more control. For example, if I want a
> >particular table to have 2 inches of space from the left margin, or if
> >I want to center my figures.
> see details.pdf

I couldn't figure out how to do what I want from this document, which
is, very detailed. (Hence: details.pdf!) Let me ask more specific

1. In order to control the placement of a float better, do I need to use

   % etc


2. I want to place a table or a figure on a page. I want to move it,
say, 10 cm from the left margin. How do I do this? 

3. I want to create extra white space before and after the float. How
do I do this? 

4. Sometimes I want the text to flow around the float, and sometimes I
don't. How do I do this?




*Paul Tremblay         *
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