> However, something else broke when I upgraded. I cannot get the 
> Postscript fonts working anymore. Here is what I have in the file:
>    \usetypescript[adobekb][\defaultencoding]
>    \setupbodyfont[pos,11pt]

By some grepping into the sources I found the problem. It seems
that the file type-pre.tex has changed between the versions I
have been using. Now there is the extra line:


which seems to cause the problem of "unknown variant: pos". Without
knowing anything more, a simple "usetypescriptcollection" or
something similar would be my guess.

However, I am a bit afraid of the word "previous" and the comments
in the beginning of the file.

So, a question follows:

  I want to make documents with Times/Helvetica/Courier
  combination (as was done with "pos"). I do not have the
  commercial fonts, but I do have the TeX Live (or teTeX)
  distribution. What is the right way to get to use the

I'm sorry but I do not like the Computer Modern in my reports and
brochures. I want to have something else, and that something
should be easy to use in any distribution.


- Ville
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