Dear cartel,

Two problems (annoyances?) with alignment,:

PROBLEM 1: \startalignment[left] creates a spurious underfull hbox:

% output=pdf interface=en



This is a test of alignment.




Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7--8
 []\*12ptrmtf* This is a test of align-ment.

\hbox(8.26648+2.33331)x426.78743, glue set 12.00853
.\glue(\leftskip) 0.0 plus 24.0
.\*12ptrmtf* T
.\*12ptrmtf* h
.\*12ptrmtf* i

The other three alignments (see below) do not have this problem;

PROBLEM 2: I think this may have came up a couple of years ago as well, don't 
remember if there was ever a resolution...

The options to \start-\stopalignment are inconsistent and, in my view, 
contrary to common sense-). Try

% output=pdf interface=en


\rightaligned{This is a test of right alignment.}


This is a test of right alignment.



\leftaligned{This is a test of left alignment.}


This is a test of left alignment.



\startalignment[right] does the opposite of \rightaligned; ditto for 
\startalignment[right] and \leftaligned.
\rightaligned and \leftaligned are correct in my view.

Aside: As ConTeXt develops bidi support, we need alternatives to [left] and 
[right] anyway. But it is still apparently inconsistent as it stands (with 
emphasis on `apparently' since I am missing/have forgotten the point of why 
things behave like this).


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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