>>I'm processing some Spanish from Unicode and some of it is in MathML,
>>for which I use ConTeXt's native processing. There seems to be a problem
>>with accents. When I run this on Live:
>>Maths with accents:
> are you sure that your e with accent is codes in utf?
> Hans

Further testing locally (rather than via Live) produces different
problems, so maybe the unicode is perverted by submitting the data via
http to the Live server?

In any event, testing only locally I can now produce the following results:

As long as I have either '\enableregime[utf]' or '\useXMLfilter[utf]'
then the é produces an e with a guillemot superimposed on top (this is
wrong - I wanted an e with an acute accent).

If I don't have either of those commands in the preamble, then I get Ãl,
which looks like the literal unicode as two ASCII chars.

Interestingly, if I forget about unicode and use &eacute; instead of é,
then no matter what I put in the preamble I get the e with a guillemot
superimposed. So whatever is mapping é incorrectly seems also to be
mapping &eacute; incorrectly.

Unfortunately none of this is the behaviour I originally experienced in
my large project file, which was stalling the process with the following

! Please use \mathaccent for accents in math mode.
<argument> \char
\dobuildtextaccent ...{\let \char \normalaccent #1
                                                  \let \char \normalchar #2}
<argument> Inter\dobuildtextaccent {\char 19 }{e}
\secondoftwoarguments #1#2->#2

\MMLpmath ...tyle}{#1}\setMMLpmathstyle {mstyle}#2
l.1 ...{}{Inter\dobuildtextaccent {\char 19 }{e}s}
l.15628 ...cargo</mi></math></formula>\stopXMLdata

So I think I have two quite different errors, but it would be really
good to know what can make é come out right in the minimal file, while I
try to construct another minimal file which will give me the actual
error above!

Many thanks.

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