
You can use the \nolist{} command within the caption for parts, that shouldn't 
go in the list of figures:


 \placefigure [here][fig:Res_FlussSkalierungsfaktor]
    {This is a caption. \nolist{This part of the caption will not be            
  listed in the list of figures.}}

Instead the part within \nolist will be replaced by "..." (3 dots).
If you want to change this default behaviour use the "limittext"-option as 
shown in the following example.


Best Regards


> Hello all,

> I'm busy with writing a paper for university and the teachers "ordered" me
> to include a List of Figures. So now I'm using \completelistoffigures to get
> the list of figures.

> However, my captions with the figures are quite long so I was wondering if
> it's possible to let ConTeXt write a different text to the List of Figures.
> I thought something similar was possible with the Table of Contents and the
> \chapter command, but I cannot remember how...maybe I imagined.

> So is it possible to write a different text to the LoF? I use
> \placefigure[here]{This is my very long caption} {\externalfigure[myfigure]}
> to place my figures in the text.

> I've experimented with using \writetolist[figure]{1}{short caption} to write
> a text to the LoF, but there are some problems with that method. (the figure
> can be placed on a different page than the \writetolist, and I'll need a way
> to stop ConTeXt writing the caption text to the list as well).

> Any ideas?

> My best,
> Tim

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Michael Fuchs

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