Hi Wolfgang,

I reread your mail, I am not sure, whether I understood your message correctly. therefore here what I usually do:



    drawpathoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1.5 withcolor .8white) ;
    drawpointoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 2.5 withcolor red) ;
    drawcontroloptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1 withcolor blue) ;
    drawlineoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1.2 withcolor black) ;
    drawlabeloptions () ;
    swappointlabels := true ;
    numeric u; u := 0.5mm ;


        mp code

        mp code

        mp code




Wolfgang Zillig wrote:

I have problems with changeing the font in Metapost. I defined my own typescripts somewhere and I also have a mapfile for that fonts. In normal text it workes fine (even math).

Now I want to change the font in MP as well (my text is included as label("test",(200,200));):

%normal stups:
\loadmapfile[cmbright.map] %it seems that the mapfile is loaded only once

\loadmapfile[cmbright.map] %it seems that the mapfile is loaded only once

But I always get the standard CMR output.

Did I miss a step somewhere?

Has anyone an idea what's going wrong?

Thanks for any help!


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