Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:

OK, I'm back on OS X and checked:

1. created file 01_01_01.tex with this content:


draw fullcircle scaled 10 cm ;




compiled fine; circle was there.

2. copied file to 01.01.01.tex. Compilation does not give errors, but there is no visible output.

3. Treid setting allow_multiple_suffixes = t in texmf.cnf - no difference.



it's a tricky thins: in order to determine a suffix programs/scripts assume that in 01.01.01 the last 01 is the suffix (there is no rule that tex is the suffix, it's just the built in fallback);
someprogram 01.01.01
someprogram 01.01.01.tex is different. The multiple suffixes always test for a tex file first but that results in two file searches each time (slows down). texexec 01.01.01.tex works ok texexec 01.01.01 fails newtexexec fails in both cases (i will look into that)
It's kind of tricky to auto append tex since nowadasy we have xml and other 
variants ..


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