
I will try again. What if you do

newcircleA := newcircleA scrutinized 2;

after your definition of newcircleA?


On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 3:45 PM Fabrice L <fabrice.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Mikael,
> Le 20 déc. 2021 à 02:21, Mikael Sundqvist via ntg-context 
> <ntg-context@ntg.nl> a écrit :
> Hi,
> would it be an option for you to do
> newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 -- cycle ;
> In that case you avoid extra points.
> You are right, in this simple case, your solution avoid the problem, and is 
> applicable in some of my cases (I have to rethink the code). Thanks for the 
> proposition !
> But in others cases this is not possible (I think). Imagine I wish to do a « 
> partial moon » from the two circles in my minimal example (see bottom right 
> of the attached pdf):
> newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 .. reverse(circleB cutbefore 
> P1 cutafter P2)  .. cycle;
> I need 10 points to define the shape, but as my connections are duplicated, I 
> have 12 points.
> The solution (I thought) would be to use the « & » operator :
> newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 & reverse(circleB cutbefore P1 
> cutafter P2) & cycle ;
> But this does not work (same reason as before: "! Paths don't touch; `&' will 
> be changed to `..'.").
> The compete minimal code (if somebody wants to plus with it) is here :
> % ———————————————————————
> \startMPpage
> path circleA , circleB ;
> pair P[];
> defaultscale := 0.4 ;
> circleA := fullcircle scaled 1in randomized 3 ;
> circleB := fullcircle scaled 1in randomized 3 shifted(0.3in,0.3in) ;
> draw circleA withcolor blue ;
> draw circleB withcolor red ;
> P[1] := circleA intersectionpoint circleB ;
> dotlabel.lft("$P_1$",P[1]) ;
> dotlabel.rt("$\blue\tfx P_0^A$",point 0 of circleA) ;
> P[2] := reverse(circleA) intersectionpoint circleB ;
> dotlabel.rt("$P_2$",P[2]) ;
> dotlabel.rt("$\red\tfx P_0^B$",point 0 of circleB) ;
> path newcircleA , newcircleB ;
> % newcircleA := (circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 ) & (P2 -- P1) & cycle  ;
> % previous line gives an error :
> % "! Paths don't touch; `&' will be changed to `..'."
> newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 -- (P2 -- P1) -- cycle  ;
> newcircleA := newcircleA xshifted 2in ;
> draw newcircleA  withcolor darkgreen ;
> newcircleB := (circleB cutafter P1)  -- (P1 -- P2) -- (circleB cutbefore P2 ) 
> & cycle ;
> newcircleB := newcircleB xshifted 2in ;
> draw newcircleB withcolor black ;
> drawpoints newcircleA ; drawpointlabels newcircleA ;
> % Mikael solution
> newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 -- cycle ;
> newcircleA := newcircleA yshifted -1.5in ;
> draw newcircleA  withcolor darkgreen ;
> drawpoints newcircleA ; drawpointlabels newcircleA ;
> % partial moon
> newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2
> .. reverse(circleB cutbefore P1 cutafter P2) .. cycle;
> % & (reverse(circleB) cutbefore P2 cutafter P1) & cycle;
> newcircleA := newcircleA shifted(2in,-1.5in) ;
> draw newcircleA  withcolor magenta ;
> drawpoints newcircleA ; drawpointlabels newcircleA ;
> \stopMPpage
> % ———————————————————————
> Thanks for any help !
> Fabrice.
> /Mikael
> On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 5:30 AM Fabrice L via ntg-context
> <ntg-context@ntg.nl> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have a problem connecting path with the operator « & » (page 16 Metafun 
> manual). The problem is illustrated by the code (and the joined PDF) which 
> follows.
> I draw random cycled  forms (left part of the figure) and when they interact, 
> they are modified to « fit together » (right part of the figure) . When 
> building these new forms, I connect paths (usually two or three depending on 
> position 0 of the path); the last point a path is the same as the first point 
> of the next path ; for exemple, to modify the blue circle, named « circleA », 
> I take the circle A from P1 to P2, then a segment from P2 to P1 and cycle to 
> have a closed path. So I should be able to do :
> newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 & (P2 -- P1) & cycle  ;
> The « & » operator is supposed to work (if I understand correctly) in this 
> case, but I have this error message :
> "! Paths don't touch; `&' will be changed to `..’."
> Which I do not understand since the paths « touch ». There was a similar 
> question last year, without a clear answer («
> METAPOST subpath rounding issue 
> »https://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ntg.nl/msg94294.html).
> A solution is to ignore the repeating points :
> newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 -- (P2 -- P1) -- cycle  ;
> but this new shape has 9 points instead of 7. The problem is that I do these 
> operations a number of times, and the length of a path (in the number of 
> points) is increasing and cause trouble when I look for intersections with 
> others shapes.
> Here is the MWE:
> \startMPpage
> path circleA , circleB ;
> pair P[];
> circleA := fullcircle scaled 1in randomized 3 ;
> circleB := fullcircle scaled 1in randomized 3 shifted(0.3in,0.3in) ;
> draw circleA withcolor blue ;
> draw circleB withcolor red ;
> P[1] := circleA intersectionpoint circleB ;
> dotlabel.lft("$P_1$",P[1]) ;
> dotlabel.rt("$\blue\tfx P_0^A$",point 0 of circleA) ;
> P[2] := reverse(circleA) intersectionpoint circleB ;
> dotlabel.rt("$P_2$",P[2]) ;
> dotlabel.rt("$\red\tfx P_0^B$",point 0 of circleB) ;
> path newcircleA , newcircleB ;
> % newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 & (P2 -- P1) & cycle  ;
> % previous line gives an error :
> % "! Paths don't touch; `&' will be changed to `..'."
> newcircleA := circleA cutbefore P1 cutafter P2 -- (P2 -- P1) -- cycle  ;
> newcircleA := newcircleA xshifted 2in ;
> draw newcircleA  withcolor darkgreen ;
> newcircleB := (circleB cutafter P1)  -- (P1 -- P2) -- (circleB cutbefore P2 ) 
> & cycle ;
> newcircleB := newcircleB xshifted 2in ;
> draw newcircleB withcolor black ;
> drawpoints newcircleA ; drawpointlabels newcircleA ;
> \stopMPpage
> I would appreciate any help ! Thanks !
> Fabrice.
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> wiki     : http://contextgarden.net
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If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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