Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your attention. Indeed I could have asked you, but since Aditya 
answered my previous message I continued asking him…

Anyway, you are correct: replacing PageNumber with RealPageNumber everywhere, 
the visual counter is shown correctly…

For the sake of the mail archives, in case someone else encounters the issue, I 
add the example below.

Many thanks for help !
Best regards: Otared 

% begin interactive-visual-counter.tex
%% to use with the simpleslides module

        save b, s, t, p, circcenter, theta, pic ;
        path p[] ;
        pair t[] ;
        pair s[] ;
        pair circcenter ; 
        circcenter = urcorner Page shifted (-1cm,-1cm) ; % the counter is shown 
in the upper right corner
%       circcenter = lrcorner Page shifted (-1cm,1cm) ; % the counter is shown 
in the lower right corner
        pair zt, zr, zb, zl ;
        picture pic ;
        b = 1.5cm ;
        if RealPageNumber > 1 : % the page after which the visual counter is 
                theta = (RealPageNumber - 1)/(NOfPages - 1) ;
                p[4] = fullcircle scaled b rotated 90 ;
                p[4] := p[4] shifted circcenter ;
                fill p[4] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:altcontrastcolor} ;
                t[0] = center p[4] ;
                t[1] = point 1 along p[4] ;
                t[2] = point -theta along p[4] ;
                t[3] = point -theta/2 along p[4] ;
                p[5] = t[0] -- t[1] .. t[3] .. t[2] -- cycle ;
                fill p[5] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ;
                for i = 1 upto NOfPages :
                        s[i] = point i/(NOfPages -1) along p[4] ;
                        pickup pencircle scaled 1pt ;
                        draw s[i] -- t[0] 
\MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ;
                endfor ;
                zt = t[0] shifted (0, b * 0.2) ;
                zr = t[0] shifted (b * 0.2, 0) ;
                zb = t[0] shifted (0, -b * 0.2) ;
                zl = t[0] shifted (-b * 0.2, 0) ;
                p[3] = zt .. zr .. zb .. zl .. cycle ;
                fill p[3] withcolor  \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ;
                draw p[3] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ;
                        \stopcolor\stop"),center p[3]) ;
        fi ;


        [title={Somewhere university},
        author={Someone Else},
        date={Somewhere, Someday 2021}]


\input knuth.tex


\input ward.tex


\input lorem.tex


\input thuan.tex

% end interactive-visual-counter.tex

> On 16 Jan 2022, at 16:14, Thomas A. Schmitz via ntg-context 
> <ntg-context@ntg.nl> wrote:
> On 16.01.22 15:56, Otared Kavian via ntg-context wrote:
>> Hi Aditya,
>> Some time ago I reported an issue with LMTX regarding your visual counter 
>> (at least the version used in the simpleslides module).
>> Now I think I have found where the issue comes from: it is due to the fact 
>> that somehow the conditional
>>      if PageNumber > 2 :
>>              [some code]
>>      fi ;
> Hi Otared,
> I'm not Aditya, but I've encountered the same problem within simpleslides. 
> Can you replace PageNumber with RealPageNumber and see whether this solves 
> your problem?
> Best
> Thomas
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
> If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 
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> webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
> archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
> wiki     : http://contextgarden.net
> ___________________________________________________________________________________

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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