Quoting  "Hans Hagen" :
> -- was [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Oct 15, 2005 at 01:54:28 --

> Olivier wrote:
> >Actually, the file texmf.cnf should be located at /etc/texmf/ like all
> >the config files for the tetex distrib (and I assume the 
> >/usr/share/texmf/web2c
> >is just a link from there).

> actually, moving all such files to etc is a bad idea; if etc really wants 
> that file there (maybe under /etc/web2c), best make a symlink from there to 
> the formal place tex tree; makes updating easier; a lot of effort goes into 
> making the tex tree clean and self contained, so moving files outside the 
> tree is a bad idea. 

I understand some people may have different views. I was just trying to
tell the way it is done in the Debian GNU/Linux system.
There is a policy about TeX stuff location inside the system which is
described in the Debian TeX policy here:
This includes as you can read in the first paragraph on config:
        The central configuration file for TeX applications is
        /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf, the central font configuration file is
        /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg, the central
        language/hyphenation configuration
        /var/lib/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat, and format
        generation is determinded by /var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf.
        All four files are generated by configuration update programs
        from configuration files in subdirectories of /etc/texmf.

That's how it is, and was'nt involved in the making of this policy :)
The original poster was asking for the normal setting in his Debian
system and I believe it is correct. Moreover, it is always a bad idea to
move files provided by packages: I know you are providing a sync
mechanism for conTeXt but you'll certainly understand that doing this
for every set of program in a system is something a sysadmin does'nt
want to go into, and I guess that's where packaging system originated ;)


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