On Fri, 18 Aug 2023 20:12:33 +0200
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

> Do you create the whole table with Lua? When this is the case a small 
> change to the table section
> commands on the Lua side can fix your problems but otherwise a
> different approach is needed.

Hi Wolfgang,

thanks for the answer. Basically I would like to typeset a document
represented as TEI xml. Unfortunately, TEI support for table typesetting
is rather limited: there are no tags corresponding to table head of
body. It is only possible to specify a specific role for some rows.
So I have to use lua code to add head/body markup where appropriate,
and that's exactly what I can't do due to the described problem.

If there is no better solution, I can simply extend my xml with custom
tags, but I would like to keep it as TEI compliant as possible.

Alexey Kryukov <anagnost at yandex dot ru>

Moscow State University
Faculty of History
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