Sytse Knypstra wrote:

Sorry for the noise.
Mswintex works if I run texexec from the command line (in the CMD shell).

It does not work (any more) if I run the following command from my editor TeXnicCenter:
c:\tex\setuptex.bat & texexec.exe
with the arguments:
--bat --nonstop --pdf  "%bm"

That's still puzzling me, but I don't want to bother you with that problem.

I don't use TeXnicCenter editor, but Context editor (don't confuse it with ConTeXt system) and I use
C:\tex\texmf-mswin\bin\texmfstart.exe // for the executable
and --pdf %f // for the parameters

Same settings with SciTE and both works fine.


// Jilani KHALDI

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