Sorry, my last posting ran into another, earlier thread. In order to prevent confusion I take the liberty to repeat my findings on the code below as reply to Hans Hagen's last posting.

When I take the mpgraph mp-input for metapost produced by the ConTeXt run I see:

(1) running "system(mpost -progname=mpost -mem=metafun standalone2- mpgraph)...executed." as the log shows gives the wrong metafont output. I also ran mpost with those parameters standalone on that mp- file and got the same bad result.

(2) running texexec --mptex on the file gives the correct result.

Would this help locating the problem?
My mpost is according to mpout.log "This is MetaPost, Version 0.901 (Web2C 7.5.3) (mem=mpost 2005.11.12)".

yours sincerely,
dr. H. van der Meer

On Dec 22, 2005, at 23:22, Hans Hagen wrote:

Hans van der Meer wrote:

I finally managed to contrive two simple examples, one that works here and one that doesn't.


   draw (0,0)--(100,0)--(100,50)--(50,50)--(50,100)--(0,100)--(0,0);
label (textext("cornerstone"), (10,5)) rotated 45 withcolor \MPcolor {yellow};




so, there is a problem with textext inside an include (rather tricky to solve i fear)

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