Mojca Miklavec wrote:


Sorry for a questioin that is a bit off-topic.

I'm a bit confused about the TeX terminology. I know what is what, but
I don't know how all these programs/packages/macros are officially
called in English.

How would you explain those in an encyclopedy with no more than one sentence?

* plain TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt are ...
   ? TeX formats ? (but ConTeXt is not just that)
* TeX, eTeX, pdf(e)TeX, Aleph, Omega, XeTeX are ...
   ? TeX engines/extensions, an extended version of TeX ?
also languages (tex is language and interpreter)

* pdflatex is ...
a shortcut for "run pdftex in pdf mode with latex preloaded"

* texexec is ...
a wrapper around tex (providing it a commandline of sorts)

* texutil, texfont are ...
   ? scripts/utilities for [whateverthetask]
* MikTeX, TeX Live, teTeX are ...
   TeX distributions
* PPCHTeX, XymTeX, MusicTeX are ...
   ConTeXt module(s) / LaTeX package(s)
* PicTeX is
   ? TeX drawing environment
should be at the same level as ppchtex .....

* BibTeX is ...
program/language for handling bibs, output to be supported by the macro package

* TeXCeH is ...
   TeX user group


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