
Mojca Miklavec wrote:

I may be wrong, but I'm afraid that I have to disappoint you for
almost all the request that you mentioned unless someone implements
them in the near future (I guess that many people would need this
functionality anyway). t-rsteps is still experimental in a way. It
works, but not for very advanced usage. Hans wrote some modules to
provide similar functionality, but they all rely on JavaScript.

Thanks for your feed-back. I wish somebody will work on this
or a similar macro one day, and we have in Context a way
to deal with these simple animations, like what offers the beamer
package in Latex.
About the javascript macro wrote by Hans, it is a little risky, since
when you made a presentation, you have nerver sure what
computer and acrobat version you are going to present.

> 1) When I define a theorem in a slide with steps, my theorem 1 is
> theorem 2 at the second step. How to control this ?

As far as I know, the code is implemented in such a way that it only
controls at which step to process the code. It means that if you write
a theorem once on the first slide and once on the second, it will be
processed twice and TeX will see it as a new theorem.

Some code was written to hack treating the equation numbers and
chapter/section numbers. I don't know how you write and number
theorems, but you can manually reset the theorem number to one number
less the the current one and then increment it again at the end of
slide, although this is tedious.

I don't know to which extent you can read the TeX source code (it's
much uglier than for any other usual programming language). It should
be possible to mimic the behaviour of resetting equation numbers, but
don't ask me how to do that.

Yet another approach would be to save everything in a box and then
output only the box. I don't know how well this works (if it works at

\setbox2=\vbox{ here comes your theorem }

All the mentioned solutions are ugly.

I have tried your solutions based on putting the theorem in a vbox, but this does not work. Yes I have seen a discussion on this mailing list where the author of t-rsteps modify the macro to handle equations numbers. So this may be possible. I had a look on the macro, perhaps I will try to do something, but this is a huge work since I'm not so fluent in Tex macro... Perhaps ths simple solution is to number theorem manually, but this pose a problem, since
I have others enumerations in the document (Definition, Exemples...).
I can cheat and adjust counters at each step in screen mode, but I'm not sure how to do this: there is a command
\setEnumeration{value} and \nextEnumeration, but no \previousEnumeration...

> 2) I wish to use the same text to print (wihout steps) and with slide
> (with steps). If I comment the "\usemodule [rsteps]", the instructions
> \StartSteps \NextStep.. are unknown of course, so how should I redefine
> them ? I guess I should provide new definitions only for screen mode ?
> Is there a simpler solution ? .

There is a switch \UseStepsfalse. (I don't know if this satisfies your
needs - there are some differences, ie: there may be problems with
Table of Contents or similar.)

I did not know the \UseStepsfalse option. This seems to work nice. Thanks.

> 3) On each slide, the header contains the page number, which appears
> only at the last step of the slide.The same effect occurs with the footline
> which appears only at last step of a slide. Is there a way to correct
> this ? ie I wish the header and footer do not change, so the steps are
> more transparent.

No idea.

Sorry for being of almost no help and for bringing bad news only,

Thanks anyways for your answers, sometimes to know that something is impossible
and likely difficult  is valuable !
Fabrice L.


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