Le 7 janv. 06 à 13:50, Hans Hagen a écrit :

No, that will not work.
After much probing I found the culprit.
The framedtext takes the full linewidth and apparently does not reduces it to the given size.
Therefore enclosing in a vbox seems necessary:
   \vbox{\hsize=framesize\startframedtext{width=framesize ...

Question for Hans Hagen: is it an option letting framedtext set the hsize when a specific width is given?

\hbox to \hsize \bgroup
       \input tufte
       \input zapf

Why is it not possible to simply use the \framed command (with some magic option to
put text into it) to do the obove thing?
   \startframed[width=.5\textwidth, xxxx]
       \input tufte
   \startframed[width=.5\textwidth, xxxx]
       \input zapf

If it is impossible, is there any equivalent to de minipage or \parbox LaTeX

-- Maurice

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