David Arnold wrote:


I've almost answered my own question with:

\bTH Number line \eTH
\bTH Set-builder notation \eTH
\bTH Interval notation \eTH
\bTD \externalfigure[realline4] \eTD
\bTD $\{x:\,x>3\}$ \eTD
\bTD $(3,\infty)$ \eTD
\bTD \externalfigure[realline5] \eTD
\bTD $\{x:\,x<3\}$ \eTD
\bTD $(-\infty,3)$ \eTD
\bTD \externalfigure[realline6] \eTD
\bTD $\{x:\,x\ge3\}$ \eTD
\bTD $[3,\infty)$ \eTD
\bTD \externalfigure[realline7] \eTD
\bTD $\{x:\,x\le3\}$ \eTD
\bTD $(-\infty,3]$ \eTD


However, two things:

1. My figures are not centered in their first column.

somehow strut=no does not work, so for the moment use:

\bTD \setnostrut \dontleavehmode \externalfigure[realline4] \endgraf 
\removedepth \eTD

or make a \def\MyExternalFigure[#1]{...}
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