
I hate doing it, but I have to disagree ;-) I was trying to fix this  
kerning issue for one of the (commercial) fonts I'm using often. If  
ConTeXt doesn't handle this kerning issue right, there is no  
incentive to correct the situation because nobody gains anything from  
improvements. So my 2 cents: First ConTeXt has to handle kerning in  
this situation, then we can go and improve the fonts. And of course  
you're right: \quotesinglebase cum suis has to have kerning as well.



On Jan 27, 2006, at 9:51 AM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

> Well, if there was correct kerning in the font, then ConTeXt
> could at least attempt to do the right thing. As is, all efforts
> in this area are wasted because not even the font itself is
> right. Until that is fixed, there is no gain to be had from
> fixing the current status quo (the font should also have
> a kern between \quotesinglebase and itself, btw)
> Cheers, Taco

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