David Munger wrote:
> Adam Lindsay wrote :
>> David Munger wrote:
>>> Very interesting, but with these definitions, I can't get roman
>>> characters in formulae. For the moment, the best solution for me is
>>> still the hbox wrapper.
>> Okay.
>> What do you mean by "can't get roman characters"? Can you give an 
>> minimal example?
>> adam
> Sorry, I should have given one.
> \startmathcollection[default]
> \definemathcharacter [a]   [nothing] [mi] ["61]
> \stopmathcollection
> \definetypeface [] [mm] [bfmath] [computer-modern] [computer-modern]
> \setupformulas [method=bold]
> \starttext
> \formula{a, {\rm a}, {\bfm a}, {\bfm\rm a}}
> \stoptext
> I can't get bold roman math. And by using [mr] instead of [mi]:
> \definemathcharacter [a]   [nothing] [mr] ["61]
> one gets the inverse problem: no more bold math italic.

oh, I see. I'll admit: all the maths I've dealt with don't require such 
fine manual control over the fonts.

Would it be for individual characters? Would an approach like this work?
\formula{a, {\rm a}, {\bfm a}, \text{\bf a}}

  Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Lancaster University, InfoLab21        +44(0)1524/510.514
  Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK             Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

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