  I use a standalone context distribution in parallel with miktex. The 
way miktex is configured, it provides a texexec.exe file in its bin 
directory. Context provides a texexec.bat file in its bin directory. 
Normally, texexec is supposed to be run using texmfstart which picks 
texexec.rb from the script directory and everything works fine. There 
are however some macros that call texexec without texmfstart. As a 
result the miktex texexec (texexec.exe) is called over context's 
texexec.bat. I am listing the files that call raw texexec. Shouldn't 
all of these be called using texmfstart?

1. core-fig.tex has a line
    \executesystemcommand{texmfstart texexec.pl --batch --pdf #1 #3}}
    Notice the texexec.pl

2. page-app.tex has a line
    \executesystemcommand{texexec \bufferprefix\@@texapp.tex --once 
    No texmfstart

3. supp-mps.tex has a definition
         {texexec ....
      No texmfstart

Some support scripts also use texexec without texmfstart

1. mptopdf.pl has a line
      $mpbin = 'texexec --mptex $PassOn' }

2. texfont.pl has
    if ($show) { system ("texexec --once --silent $texfile") }

3. texsync uses
    system("texexec --make --alone #{str}")

4. ctxtools.rb uses
    one = "texexec --make --alone --all #{interface}"
    two = "texexec --batch --silent --interface=#{interface} x-set-01"

5. pdftrimwhite uses
    $result = `texexec --batch --once --purge $resultfile` }

6.  makempy.pl uses
    $tex{context}   = "texexec --batch --once --interface=en --pdf" ;

Aditya Mahajan, EECS Systems, University of Michigan
http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~adityam || Ph: 7342624008
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