> this 'choose between locations' feature is kind of present but only
> with 'here' as fallback but it's trivial to make that configurable:

I've been experimenting a bit with the code, and it is much appreciated.

I added \unprotect..\protect and it compiled fine.  The figure numbering
is the order in the source files, thanks to the numbering=nocheck;
reading down the page it is 3->1->2.  Then I felt bold and commented out
the numbering=nocheck.  It does one clockwise rotation of the numbers:

floatblocks     : no block given
floatblocks     : 1 renumbered / figure 1 => 3
floatblocks     : 1 placed
floatblocks     : no block given
floatblocks     : 2 renumbered / figure 2 => 1
floatblocks     : 2 placed
floatblocks     : 3 renumbered / figure 3 => 2
floatblocks     : 3 placed

If it had done a anticlockwise rotation, the figure numbers would have
been right (1->2->3 reading down the page).  Is it because the figure
renumbering does not know of the change to fallback=bottom (from

               texexec : TeXExec 5.4.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005
               texutil : TeXUtil 9.0.1 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1992-2006
                   tex : pdfeTeX, 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
               context : ver: 2006.03.25 13:21
               cont-en : ver: 2006.03.25 13:21  fmt: 2006.4.11  mes: english

Here's the .tex file itself with the above modifications:

% first a new key

\startconstants            dutch                     english
                           german                    czech
                           italian                   romanian

                 fallback: terugval                  fallback
                           fallback                  fallback
                           fallback                  fallback

% use that key


        \postcenterfloatbox{\wd\floatbox}% else we get left aligned
        %dogetfloatbox{#1}\v!here        % see details/pascal
\dogetfloatbox{#1}{\executeifdefined{\??fl#4\c!fallback}\v!here}% PATCHED

% pass the new location (will be done differently, hack

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\to\floatmethod
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] \commalistelement\at:\to\floatcolumn
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] \floatcolumn\at*\to\floatrow
        % todo: nog algemeen otr
     \getvalue{\string\floatmethod\floatmethod}[\floatmethod,#1]% PATCHED


% \setupfloats[numbering=nocheck]

% we use the marginwidth as criterium



\placefigure[bottom]{1}{} \input tufte
\placefigure[left]{2}{} \input tufte
\placefigure[left]{3}{\framed[width=.9\marginwidth]{}} \input tufte



`A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.'
   - Bertrand de Jouvenal
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