> This doesn't answer your original question, but why not
>     \setuppagenumbering[location={footer,right},style=\tfx]
> instead of lengthy setups?

I will take a look at your sugestion. Thanks. As far as I
recall page numbering isn't working with setups because I
get two page numbers on every page.

> (Btw: you should better use \switchtobodyfont rather than
> \setupbodyfont in case you need to change font size.)


> The following solution might not be the most elegant one, but I use
> similar approach for exact positioning:
> \setuppagenumbering[location=]
> \definelayer
>         [mypagenumber]
>         [width=\paperwidth,
>          height=\paperheight]
> \setupbackgrounds
>         [page]
>         [background=mypagenumber]
> \setlayerframed
>         [mypagenumber]
>         [voffset=\dimexpr(\paperheight-\makeupheight-\footerheight),
>          preset=leftbottom]
>         [width=\paperwidth,frame=off]
>         {\tfx\pagenumber}

I'v tried it and I get a page number but only on one page, not all
the document. Should I be taking a look at anything else to make it
work an every page ? Sorry for my "newbie" questions... 

Miguel Queirós

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