Fascinating, but... The slidenumber needs to be reset according to  
the criterion whether we're starting an odd or an even section.

If anybody's wondering why I want such a bizarre setup: this is  the  
manuscript of my course for the entire term. Every class consists of  
two lectures = two sections in my manuscript, but because the  
lectures are back-to-back, I have one pdf presentation for both and  
want the marks for the slides in my manuscript numbered consecutively  
for section 1+2, then reset and numbered for 3+4 etc. Btw, I  
laboriously wrote my own macro to get nice marks for the slides in my  
manuscripts and  then I discovered the \definelabel command...



On Apr 20, 2006, at 10:44 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

> why not directly use the slidenumber
> \def\SlideNumber{1}
> command={\ifodd\SlideNumber\gdef\SlideNumber{1}\else\doglobal 
> \increment\SlideNumber\fi}}
> command={\ifodd\SlideNumber\gdef\SlideNumber{1}\else\gdef 
> \SlideNumber{2}\fi}}
> command={\xdef\SlideNumber{\ifodd\SlideNumber\space1\else2\fi}}
> \def\SlideNumber{\ifconditional\OddSlide1\else2\fi}
> command=\ifodd\settrue\OddSlide\else\setfalse\OddSlide\fi
> etc etc

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