Hi David,

unless Hans releases some magic, there is no way than to have different 
labels in both files.


David Arnold wrote:

>Hans et al,
>I have two figure libraries, figlibSection1.xml and  
>figlibSection2.xml. In the first, I have:
><copyright>College of the Redwoods Mathematics Department</copyright>
>In the second, I have:
><copyright>College of the Redwoods Mathematics Department</copyright>
>Now, section1.tex does:
>And later:
>   {\externalfigure[rat1][width=.2\textwidth]}{(a)}
>   {\externalfigure[rat2][width=.2\textwidth]}{(b)}
>   {\externalfigure[rat3][width=.2\textwidth]}{(c)}
>{The calculator attempts to draw a continuous function when it  
>Section2.tex does:
>And later:
>{The numerator is zero at $x=-2$. This is an $x$-intercept of the  
>graph. The denominator is zero at $x=3$. This is a vertical asymptote  
>of the graph.}
>All is fine if I compile section1.tex and section2.tex separately.  
>But I have chapter6.tex with:
>\startproduct chapter6
>\project book
>\chapter[chap:6]{Rational Functions}
>\component chapter6/section1 %Introducing Rational Functions
>\component chapter6/section2  %Zeros and Asymptotes
>When I compile this, the rat1 in section2.tex uses the rat1 meant for  
>section1.tex instead. Any I can fix this other than giving unique  
>names to everything?
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