Le 26 mai à 18:10:43 Willi Egger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> écrit notamment:

> Hi Jean Magnan,
> You should add  \useMPlibrary[txt] in order to get textext working.
> Further define AX as a path only.
> In the dummy-graphic say drawdblarrow AX.withcolor blue;
> After these changes I got the label as well as the double arrow.
thanks to you and Renaud; I changed my file to this:


numeric u; u=.8cm;
path AX; AX=(10u,0)--(0,0)--(0,10u);
pickup pencircle scaled .8mm;
drawdblarrow AX withcolor green;
label.rt(textext("$3x^2+\pi$"), (5u,6u));

\input dawkins

I get the same "unknown" in place of the label.
On computer one (my everyday machine) context is provided by TeX-Live, and
I made the same experiment with my computer two where context is installed
via TeTeX.
Same result on both!

I Think I have followed  normal installation procedures (enabling write18
So I'm confused
Thanks for any more help!
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