Aditya Mahajan wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Jul 2006, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> On 7/9/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
>>>> Perhas a
>>>>    left=,right=
>>>> pair of keywords could solve the problem (left= and right= surrounding
>>>> the number; but then we would also have to surround the label with
>>>> something as well), where the default of left= would be a space.
>>>> \[whatever]commad= could also solve the problem.
>>> left=Q works. The label is
>> Sigh! A prisoner sitting in the cell thinking about how to escape
>> never realizes that the door is not locked at all. Thanks a lot.
>>> <text><space><left><number><stopper><right>, so this works
>> I won't ask where this is documented.
> I learnt it the hard way --- trial and error :)
>>> \defineenumeration
>>>         [question]
>>>         [text=Question,
>>>          left=Q]
>>> \starttext
>>>      \startquestion[abc]
>>>      Why are there so many spaces in \in[abc]?
>>>      \stopquestion
>>> \stoptext
>> If we're talking about \in-s, references, ... It would simplify my
>> style file considerably if I was able to get the chapters labelled as
>> C1, C1, ... instead of only 1, 2, ... I could get rid of left= which I
>> do need when referencing to the questions.
> I would also like such a feature. I frequently have
> \defineitemgroup[features]
> \setupitemgroup[features][each][left=(F,right=),stopper=]
> \setupitemgroup[features][each][n,2*broad]
> and the I usually do
> \definereferenceformat[infeature][left=(F,right=)]
> and use \infeature. It would be nice if one could have
> referenceleft and referenceright in most setup commands.
we can think of using labels; deep down the core: 



etc etc; not that hard, but we need some rainy days and such 

(with instead if itemcount item:1 item:2 etc) 

this needs some work because itemize has its own numbering (historic reasons) 

so ... you can file a feature request and remind me every now and then 


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
     tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

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