On 8/17/06, Jeff Smith wrote:
> Thank you all for your answers!
> A quick follow-up, and a new question at the end:
> Ad question a) My problem with Times and small caps was just a bad
> mapping of names on my side. So I'm told that \cap should work, and
> well, of course it does! :-)
> Ad question b) Ricard Roca said:
> "I think the way to do ipa typesetting with ConTeXt is using XeTeX.
> With XeTeX you can use ipa *unicode* fonts (not old fonts), like
> Gentium, Lucida Sans,new versions of Doulos, etc., using directly
> unicode ipa input in your text which was not possible with tipa."
> This sounds like very, very beautiful music to my ears! Now I'm a
> happy man. Still, I have no idea yet how to use XeTeX with ConTeXt,
> but I will investigate shortly. This truly is the best solution for my
> needs. Thanks!

There are two options:
a) ask Hans to include it into the standalone windows distribution (it
might be that he did that already, but I didn't check since it's 200
MB, but it's been updated to the new version today anyway, so it might
be worth refreshing it anyway)

b) Download ftp://akagi.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pub/TeX/win32/xetex-w32.tar.bz2
(I unpack it with Total Commander; you need a plugin for it, available
on the official website)

copy the content of "bin" into "texmf-mswin/bin" (just the missing
files, or simply overwrite them all, I don't think that it makes much

Copy the content of share/texmf to "texmf". If you really mind, you
can delete the following before copying (but it's not necessary):
- tex/xetex/xelatex
- tex/xetex/generic/hyphen
- tex/xetex/generic/ifxetex
- web2c/xetex/xe[la]tex.fmt
- (doc in case you don't need it)

(web2c/xetex/xetex.pool should better go to texmf-mswin/web2c/, but
that doesn't make that much difference either)

Open setuptex.bat and add the following three lines (surrounded by the
best place where they should be put):


set FONTCONFIG_FILE=fonts.conf


Next step is not necessary, but might be handy of you only want to
access some fonts with TeX, but not with OS.

I added the following line to C:\Programs\context\texmf\fonts\conf\fonts.conf:


Then go to command line and say
    fc-cache -f -v (you have to do that every time when you install a
new font if you want to use it in XeTeX)

    texexec --xtx --make --all

You can then compile your document using
    texexec --xtx filename

See http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Fonts_in_XeTeX for some further instructions.

Basically all you need to do is something like


ɸ β f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ ʂ ʐ ç ʝ

(But you need an editor suitable for Unicode. See
http://pub.mojca.org/tex/temp/ipa.pdf for the result.)

You can retrieve a list of fonts available on your system with something like:
    fc-list >namelist.txt

I should put that to
http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Windows_Installation, but if Hans ads it
to standalone, the instructions will become obsolete anyway.

> Ad question c) I already had \enableregime[utf] in my source but it
> doesn't work for a reason I still don't know. \enableregime[il1] does
> make things work like I wanted, however, but I had to remove the line
> \usemodule[french] which I took from the French template I mentioned
> in my other mail. So thanks a lot again!

If your document is in latin1 then utf cannot/won't work. (If you also
need the Euro symbol, you should use \enableregime[il9] or [latin9] or
[iso-8859-15] instead of [il1].)

> Ad question d) Still waiting to see if someone will come up with an
> idea. To explain it in other words, I want to use only one command
> (namely, \quote or \quotation) but I want two different types of quote
> characters to be used depending on the context. For example:
> "This quote has 'quotes' in it."
> which would be
> \quotation{This quote has \quotation{quotes} in it.}
> I'm just inquiring as to the possibility of this being macroed.


Leaving your last question to the others ...

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