Hans Hagen schrieb:
> richard rascher-friesenhausen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i have a simple (?) layout question. I want to typeset a doublesided 
>> text with a larger margin on one side. This margin will be filled with 
>> 'margin images' or 'margin remarks'. But sometimes, larger images have 
>> to be placed in the text+margin.
>> Which commands, options or setups are correct, to get the same results 
>> on odd and even pages? In the attached pdf file,  odd and even pages 
>> behave different, using a simple setup (see tex file).
> it's dangerous to use dimensions in \setuplayout that get set themselves
> also, textwidth is for special purposed and special effects, not to be 
> used here (spoils things)
> \setuppapersize[A4][A4]
> \setuplayout
>   [width=middle,
>    backspace=.75in,
>    curspace=2.55in,
>    leftmargin=.50in,
>    margindistance=.25in,
>    rightmargin=2.3in]
> \setuppagenumbering[alternative={singlesided,doublesided}]
> \starttext
> The very first page with a small image in the (bigger) margin.
> \placefigure
>   [inright]{a margin image}
>   {\framed[width=\marginwidth,height=3cm]{image}}
> \input tufte
> An now a larger image in the text and margin are
> \placefigure
>   [here,inright]{a text+margin image}
>   {\framed[width=1.2\textwidth,height=3cm]{image}}
> \inmargin{Tufte text} \input tufte \page
> The second page  with a small image in the (bigger) margin.
> \placefigure
>   [inright]
>   {a margin image}
>   {\framed[width=\rightmarginwidth,height=3cm]{image}}
> \input tufte
> An now a larger image in the text and margin are
> \placefigure
>   [here,inright]
>   {a text+margin image}
>   {\framed[width=1.2\textwidth,height=3cm]{image}}
> \inmargin{Tufte text} \input tufte \page
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>                                           Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
>               Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
>      tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
>                                              | www.pragma-pod.nl
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for the quick response.

I have some questions about your code, because it does not fullfill all 
my wishes.

The command \inmargin now correctly puts its text on the correct side on 
even and odd pages. But i would like to have the same behaviour for the 
figures too. In a longer script, TeX should know, if the margin image 
has to be placed left or right. So 'inright' or 'inleft' is not an 
option. And 'margin' does not work ... (the image is placed mostly 
outside the page).
In your code, the long image on the second page does not start in the 
left margin, as desired.

% output=pdf




The very first page with a small image in the (bigger) margin.

  [margin]{a margin image}

\input tufte

And now a larger image in the text and margin

  [here,inright]{a text+margin image}

\inmargin{Tufte text} \input tufte \page

The second page  with a small image in the (bigger) margin.

  {a margin image}

\input tufte

And now a larger image in the text and margin

  {a text+margin image}

\inmargin{Tufte text} \input tufte \page

Any help appreciated


Richard Rascher-Friesenhausen                
MeVis -- Centrum fuer Medizinische Diagnosesysteme und Visualisierung GmbH
Universitaetsallee 29
D-28359 Bremen

www  : http://www.mevis.de/, http://www.hs-bremerhaven.de/
fon  : +49 - 421 - 218 7707 (mevis)
fax  : +49 - 421 - 218 4236 (mevis)

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