
To me it should not be necessary to define odd and even layouts for your 
purposes. (Of course I stand corrected!)

If you choose \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] the page 
layout is swapped automatically.
For the realisation of the titles sticking into the "margin" one should 
be able to use \setuphead[section,subsection][command=...]

This would look then like this:




    \input knuth \par
\subsection{Sub Hello}
     \input tufte \par
         \input knuth \endgraf
    \subsection{Sub Hello}
         \input tufte \endgraf}

I admit, this is not yet working correctly, but I can't find the key at 
the moment ;-)


nico wrote:
> Hello,
> I wonder if it is possible to setup a layout with these requirements:
> - it can be doublesided, that is, when doublesided the left margin (LM)  
> and right margin (RM) are different and mirrored on right/left pages.
> - the headings (section, etc.) start just after the left margin.
> - the text body has an extra left text margin (TM) that is not mirrored.
> Here is an example of the expected output in doublesided mode:
> Left Page:
>      LM      TM                          RM
> |<--7--><-- 8-->                      <-5->|
> |       1. This is a Title                 |
> |                                          |
> |               This is the text body      |
> |               that has a bigger left     |
> |               margin.                    |
> Right Page:
>     RM    TM                            LM
> |<-5-><-- 8-->                      <--7-->|
> |             The test continues on        |
> |             This page.                   |
> |                                          |
> |     2. Another Title                     |
> |                                          |
> For singlesided documents I can play with a setup like this (the  
> margindistances should be taken into account too):
> \setuphead[section][margin=-TM]
> \setuplayout[leftmargin=TM+LM,
>               rightmargin=RM,
>               backspace=TM+LM,
>               width=\paperwidth-(RM+TM+LM)]
> For doublesided documents I thought about using textwidth or textmargin,  
> but in this case the text margin is applied on left and right (the text is  
> in the middle).
> Should I play with other setup parameters? What is the best way to achieve  
> this?
> Thanks for any hint,
> Regards,
> BG
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