On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:11:37 +0200, richard rascher-friesenhausen  

> nico schrieb:
>> Defining a new float gives another floating object with its own counter,
>> list, etc.
>> Maybe you can stay with only one kind of float. The following looks like
>> the expected rendering, but I don't understand the default placement of
>> the second large figure.
>> % float defs
>> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \setupfloat[figure][minwidth=\rightmarginwidth,
>>                      criterium=\rightmarginwidth,
>>                      location=middle,
>>                      default={outermargin,here}]
> Thanks for that solution. It solves the problem with the list of
> figures. But for the text+margin figures i have to look, if they are
> placed on an odd or even page, to set the placing correctly. They should
> always be shifted to the outer margin. But your solution avoids the
> extra definition of margin images.

Yes, I don't understand why it behaves like this. I thought that it would  
be put in the middle.

> Do you know the meanings of the criterium. minwidth and maxwidth options
> of \setupfloat and how they interact with each other and with default?

It's explained in details.pdf. In brief, for margin floats:

criterium=<width>: says that when the figure width is greater than  
<width>, the figure is put in the text area. When the figure width is less  
than <width>, it is put in the default specified margin (here:  

default=<setting>: default setting for that kind of float, including the  
chosen placement area (outermargin), until the criterium is reached.

maxwidth=<width>: gives the alignment delimiter in the margin, so that the  
figure will not go outside the specified width in the margin, but it will  
grow in the text area instead.

minwidth=<width>: ensures that the figure can take at least this width, so  
that if the figure width is smaller (and location=middle) it will be  
centered in this area.

I hope there's no missunderstanding in these explainations (others can  
tell). Anyway, it cannot be better than the details doc that shows how it  

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