Aha, this was misunderstood here. But please refer to my other post 
concerning this. I run into another problem....

richard rascher-friesenhausen wrote:
> Willi Egger schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> with Context 2006.08.08 there is  no problem with the figure-numbering.
>> In order to get your figure lists typeset:
>>     \conpletelistoffigures
>>     \completelistofafigures
>>     \completelistofbfigures
>> Kind regards
>> Willi
> Hello,
> that's right, there is no problem in getting *three* lists. But i want 
> only *one* list, showing figures, afigures and bfigures in correct 
> order. I think, there must be a simple solution, but i don not find it....
> (There are three kinds of figures, because each of them has its own setups.)
> Regards
>    richard
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