Hans Hagen wrote:
> well, opening files and overwriting them can be done anyway

That's true.  Though the default teTeX setup seems to be (from

  % Allow TeX \openin, \openout, or \input on filenames starting with `.'
  % (e.g., .rhosts) or outside the current tree (e.g., /etc/passwd)?
  % a (any)        : any file can be opened.
  % r (restricted) : disallow opening "dotfiles".
  % p (paranoid)   : as 'r' and disallow going to parent directories, and
  %                  restrict absolute paths to be under $TEXMFOUTPUT.
  openout_any = p
  openin_any = a

So you can read any file but you cannot write any file.  Seems


`Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.'
         --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.
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