I'd asked arxiv.org, the wonderful open-access preprint server used in
most fields of physics, which accepts most varieties of TeX in source
form (and non-TeX formats in PDF):

  Are there plans for arxiv to support ConTeXt submissions?  One could try
  a PDF-only submission, but it will probably be rejected as coming from
  TeX (for which arxiv wants the source)?

  For almost 20 years I've used plain TeX but got weary doing a lot of
  page layout by hand, so decided to skip over LaTeX to ConTeXt.

With their permission, I include their response.  So, encourage your

  Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2006 11:36:27 -0400
  From:    "Angela Zoss [www-admin]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To:      Sanjoy Mahajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Subject: Re: ConTeXt submissions

  At this time we have not had enough requests for support for ConTeXt
  to warrant implementing this feature on our system.  If it is too
  complicated to convert your ConTeXt submissions to TeX, please
  submit the PDF and make note of this email exchange.  Thank you.

  - --
  arXiv admin
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