I have been fighting with this one for ages, and have now narrowed down
the culprit, but I do not understand why it happens.

Latest (non-beta) ConTeXt, also tested in the live garden (same result):

%\definetextbackground[irrelevant][frame=on] %uncomment for weirdness

\placetable[here]{\vtop{\hsize=105mm \dorecurse{12}{sample content }}}
\bTR \bTD High\eTD\bTD Middling\eTD\bTD Low\eTD\eTR

\dorecurse{10}{sample content }

\placefigure[here]{\vtop{\hsize=105mm \dorecurse{12}{sample content

As it stands, this produces the expected output (a table and a figure
each with long captions, with the captions set 'hanging'). However, if I
define a totally unrelated textbackground (uncomment the third line),
both captions veer off upwards, apparently a distance related to the
number of lines in the title (play with the dorecurse numbers to see the

It doesn't seem to matter what the background is called, whether or not
it is ever used, or what parameters it is given.

I have no idea why something seemingly unrelated is having this effect;
some reuse of a variable or unreset value somewhere?

I would be really grateful if someone could [tell me how to] fix this.


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