Johan Sandblom wrote:
> Good point, in the actual case there were two columns, a name and a
> number. The reason for using the table is align the name to the left
> and the number to the right. So a more realistic example is something
> like
> \starttext
> \setupTABLE[c][1][align=right]
> \setupTABLE[c][2][align=left]
> \dorecurse{10}{
>   \bTR\bTD foo\eTD\bTD 123\eTD\eTR
>   \bTR\bTD b  \eTD\bTD 123456\eTD\eTR}
> \stoptext
So there is no need to split that table. I would suggest to only
rearrange it a bit for your column layout. Also TABLE is not the best
choise here (I'm no table expert, but I think table is better here).

  \VL foo \NC 123 \VL[2] b   \NC 12345 \VL\AR}

For more details about table see

HTH, Peter

> Thank you for your interest.
> Regards, Johan
> 2006/9/27, Peter Rolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Johan Sandblom wrote:
>>> What is missing from the example that started the thread?
>> Nothing, but I think it would be a waste of time. Instead of a one
>> column table (of this size) I would use
>> \startitemize[n,columns,three] or simply change the orientation of the
>> table and use column spanning (columns.pdf).
>> In my eyes a one column table is the wrong approach to present such content.
>> Peter
>>> Johan
>>> 2006/9/26, Peter Rolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Hi Johan,
>>>> Johan Sandblom wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> But I don't understand why you want to split a table over columns. You
>>>>>> can reach this effect by using offsets (or empty columns if you use
>>>>>> backgrounds or frames), beside from the (in my eyes) strange look. And
>>>>>> how will you guarantee that a complete table line is horizontally
>>>>>> aligned inside of columns (and pages)? Sounds like overkill to me ;)
>>>>> I don't understand how you mean with offsets or empty columns, do you
>>>>> have an example? I wanted the functionality for a very narrow table in
>>>>> a booklet where paper economy is a great concern. It does not matter
>>>>> if it is horizontally aligned, a hole at the end (though ugly) might
>>>>> still save an entire page for other useful information. Of course it
>>>>> is overkill, but since every strange request on this list usually
>>>>> leads to a pointer to functionality implemented several years back, I
>>>>> figured it couldn't hurt to ask ...
>>>> Sorry, I have missed that your test table has only one column (really
>>>> narrow). So offset and empty column are pretty useless. :)
>>>> I thought there were 9 table columns, that should be split over the
>>>> three page columns.
>>>> So all depends on the exact size of your table. Can you make a minimal
>>>> example?
>>>> Greetings, Peter
>>>>> Johan
>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>>> For instance below I would like three cells in each column
>>>>>>> \starttext
>>>>>>> \startcolumns{3}
>>>>>>> \placetable{}{
>>>>>>> \bTABLE[split=repeat]
>>>>>>> \dorecurse{9}{\bTR\bTD ha \eTD\eTR}
>>>>>>> \eTABLE}
>>>>>>> \stopcolumns
>>>>>>> \stoptext
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