Hello again, I'm still stuck with the counter problem, unfortunately I got no response...

ConTeXts writes out all the LilyPond pieces as "myfile-lilypond- #.tmp", sequential numbered. Then it should run LilyPond and epstopdf on the snippets, but runs them always only on no.1
I.e. the counter doesn't behave like it should. Why?

I think, these are the regarding code snippets (sorry, can't think of a minimal example for I don't understand the code by Christopher):

   \egroup% from \dostartlilypond
%>> here it works, all buffers are numbered
% ...
   \ifundefined{\??lily fragment}\else\lily!fragmentsuffix\fi
   }% expanded

\def\LP{texmfstart --exec bin:lilypond -b eps -dno-gs-load-fonts - dinclude-eps-fonts }
   \def\PDF{texmfstart --ifchanged=}

%>> here the counter is always 1  
      \installprogram{\LP\bufferprefix lilypond-\the\lily!figures.tmp}%
%>> can someone explain this "installprogram"?
\installprogram{\PDF\bufferprefix lilypond-\the\lily! figures.eps pstopdf \bufferprefix lilypond-\the\lily!figures.eps}%
\executesystemcommand{\LP\bufferprefix lilypond-\the\lily! figures.tmp}%
\executesystemcommand{\PDF\bufferprefix lilypond-\the\lily! figures.eps pstopdf \bufferprefix lilypond-\the\lily!figures.eps}%
   \stopmode% only first run
      {\edef\lily!img{\bufferprefix lilypond-\the\lily!figures.pdf}}%
      {\edef\lily!img{\bufferprefix lilypond-\the\lily!figures.eps}}%

\getfiguredimensions[\bufferprefix lilypond-\the\lily! figures.pdf]%
%>> here it works again, image no.# is not found (besides no.1)
         \advance\!!dimena by-\FigWidth

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