Michael Wigston wrote:
> Hans Hagen wrote:
> > Michael Wigston wrote:
> > > 1.  This def of <u> does nothing ...
> > > \defineXMLgrouped [u] \underbar
> > >
> > \defineXMLargument[u]{\underbar}
> >
> > underbar is not a font switch but a macro that takes an argument
> Hans,
> Thanks, that works fine with \underbar, as well as \underbars, 
> \overstrike, \overstrikes, \low, \high and \lohi.
> You mentioned that \underbar (and presumably the others I mentioned 
> above) are macros taking arguments e.g. \acommand{...}. However 
> presumably something like \midaligned{...}  is also a macro requiring 
> an argument, but this works as a \defineXMLgrouped and as a 
> \defineXMLargument - why does it  work with both?
the macro ones do manipulate their argument, for instance, underbar is 
not a font charateristic or color switch or so i.e. not a real 
attribute; esp using setups will make your style look better (look into 
x-fo for instance, forget about the dirty tricks there, but it's pretty 
clean; mapping values and so save many macro definitions
> The manual "XML in ConTeXt" very briefly sketched over these XML 
> commands and I can see great potential to use them directly on XML to 
> generate ConTeXt for PDF rather than the XSLT/XSL-FO route which seems 
> to be gaining momentum in much of the industry. I don't suppose there 
> is another more detailed document which elaborates on the XML 
> commands, and how you may determine which of these is most appropriate 
> for what kind of ConTeXt command mapping? 
you can take a look into the x-* files which show quite some mappings; 
indeed direct mapping is often more convenient than transformations; 
future versions of context will also offer more manipulation possibilities
> Also at the moment a non-mapped element seems to automatically type 
> out its contents as straight text - is there a way to override this 
> behaviour and specify this as an error? (This is rather like the Ruby 
> duck-typing approach - if an XML element is mapped, process it, else 
> it is an error).  

in xtag-pre you can see: 

\defineXMLenvironment [\s!default] \defaultXMLelement \defaultXMLelement
\defineXMLsingular    [\s!default] \defaultXMLelement

% \def\defaultXMLelement
%   {\iftraceXMLelements[\currentXMLfullidentifier]\fi}


%D We can use the default handler to implement automatic
%D element hiding. Beware: this overloads the tracer.

\def\startXMLignore{\dododefineXMLignore \s!default}
\def\stopXMLignore {\dododefineXMLprocess\s!default}

so you can play with the default handlers 


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
     tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
                                             | www.pragma-pod.nl

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