>>   Hi,
>>   When I use \externalfigure inside of \placefigure, Context can only 
>> find filenames in the current directory, i.e., the directory where I'm 
>> executing texexec. How can I instruct Context to look for files on the 
>> same directory of my .tex file?
> (...)
> \placefigure[here]{none}{
> \startcombination[2*4]
> {\externalfigure[courbe1][width=.4\textwidth]}{}
> {\externalfigure[courbe2][width=.4\textwidth]}{}
> (...)
> texexec sample give satisfaction...

   That's what I'm doing, but Context looks for the .png files in the 
current directory.

> My previous answer assumes that your pictures are in ./src/images/

   With your previous example, I would have to place my pictures in 
<current_dir>/scr/images. I would like to put my pictures in 
<tex_file_dir>/scr/images, and have Context to find them no matter which 
directory I'm in when I execute texexec. Also, I would like to use 
relative paths, not absolute paths.


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