Hi Matthias,

I goofed somewhere, that's for sure. Are you in a real hurry, or can
I take a day or two staring at it?


Matthias Wächter wrote:
> Hi Taco,
> I ran into the following problems:
> 1. see attached files. Three bib entries with different authors, but the 
> resulting references are the same for two of them (!). Appearantly, 
> without sorting the bib entries, the extra label numbering does not work 
> correctly. Changing \setupbibtex to "sort=short" fixes the issue 
> (appending "a" and "b") as well does changing "ITERATE {presort.none}" 
> to "ITERATE {presort.clabel}" in cont-no.bst. But is this a 
> once-and-for-all fix?
> 2. see attached files. In \setuppublications, numbering is given as 
> "short", but the resulting list of references is only as good as "yes" - 
> I only get the numbers, not the short references in the list. Hmmm, 
> what's the cause for this? Any ideas? Or is it My Fault(TM)?
> 3. In general: If I'd use bib handwriting \{start,stop}publication 
> without bibltx, would I have to care about the uniqueness of the "short" 
> document names (the "s=" option to \startpublication)? Really? 
> Considering hundreds of possible bibliography entries, this would double 
> the effort: Not only the key (the "k=" option) but also the short name 
> must be unique for correct references.
> 4. Sometimes, the build process ("texexec --pdf test") breaks after 
> changing some text in the bibliography. Appearantly, sometimes the .bbl 
> file is not updated. removing the .bbl file fixes the build. No recipy 
> available, sorry.
> Thanks,
> - Matthias
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> \usemodule[bib]
> \usemodule[bibltx]
> \setupbibtex[database=mybibs,sort=no]
> \setuppublications[refcommand=short,numbering=short]
> \starttext For all times, \cite[TRUE] is right and \cite[FALSE] is wrong.
> \completepublications
> \stoptext
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> @techreport{TRUE,
> Title            =  "True Values",
> Author           =  "True Author",
> Year             =  "2005",
> }
> @techreport{GNUS,
> Title            =  "Gnus in the Wild",
> Author           =  "Another Doctor",
> Year             =  "2005",
> }
> @techreport{FALSE,
> Title            =  "False values",
> Author           =  "False Author",
> Year             =  "2005",
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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