Thank you !
Any tip for getting numbered bookmarks (question 3) ?


Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> 2006/10/29, Sebastian Rooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>     Dear ConTeXters,
>     1/ I would like to use a named formula with a reference containing
>     several subformulae each with a reference. The closer I can get to
>     is to
>     add an empty namedformula followed by subformulae (see test file below).
>     How can I get rid of the empty line with a number in the pdf ?
>     2/ I'm using bookmarks but abbreviations in heads do not work properly.
>     I've used a workaround some 3 years ago but I cannot remember which. Any
>     suggestion ? (see test file below)
> \setupinteraction[state=start]
> \appendtoks \def\UK{UK} \to \simplifiedcommands
> \placebookmarks[chapter,section,subsection]
> \abbreviation [UK] {UK} {United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
> Ireland}
> \starttext
> \chapter{Weather in the \UK}
> \dorecurse {2} {\input dawkins \par}
> \stoptext
>     3/ What should I do to get the bookmarks numbered with their
>     chapter/section/ etc. number ? (see test file below)
>     4/ How can I redefine the \vec command in my formulae without having a
>     warning "system          : command \vec is already defined"
>     5/ I do like a lot the minimum distribution so easy to install. It
>     would
>     be even better if bibtex can be added. It's only 82.8 KiB
>     Thanks for ConTeXt (special thanks to Hans and Taco of course), it's
>     really a pleasure to work with it.
>     Regards,
>     Seb
>     test.tex
>     %%%%%    %><    %><    %><    %%%%%
>     \setupinteraction[state=start]
>     \placebookmarks[chapter,section,subsection]
>     \abbreviation [UK]      {UK}    {United Kingdom of Great Britain and
>     Northern
>     Ireland}
>     \starttext
>     \placelist[formula]
>     \chapter{Math formulae}
>        \placenamedformula
>          [eq:well_known]
>          {Well known equalities}
>          \startformula
>          \stopformula
>        \placesubformula[eq:first]{a}
>        \startformula
>              1+0=1
>        \stopformula
>        \placesubformula[eq:second]{b}
>        \startformula
>          1+1=2
>            \stopformula
>     \chapter{Weather in the \UK}
>     \dorecurse {2} {\input dawkins \par}
>     \stoptext
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> Wolfgang
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