On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:02:03 -0700, Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> Is there a way to absolutely forbid a pagebreak between \head and its
>>> following paragraph? [intro] tries hard but sometimes fails. I tried
>>> \setupitemize[each] [inmargin,autointro]
>>> \setuptolerance[vertical,stretch]
>>> but I still get pagebreaks.
>> One problem that occurs is the following:
>> =================
>> \head text
>> \index{more text}{more text}
>> =================
>> If there is a page break after \head then in the index 'more text' will  
>> be
>> listed as ocurring on page n when in fact it occurs on page n+1. This
>> makes the problem that much more urgent:-)
> head text\index{...}

But I want the indexed entry to be registered in the second paragraph eg

\head Asani, Ali S.

\index{The Bujh Niranjan: An Ismaili Mystical Poem}{\bf The Bujh
Niranjan: An Ismaili Mystical Poem}, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press, 1991.

if I do

\head Asani, Ali S.\index{The Bujh Niranjan: An Ismaili Mystical Poem}

{\bf The Bujh Niranjan: An Ismaili Mystical Poem}, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press, 1991.

That just compounds the problem.

EUREKA! I just found something that seems to work:


When I do this there no pagebreaks after \head at all. I wonder why this  
affects the pagebreaks...

What is the proper way to define my own \INDEX in terms of index?


does not work properly (maybe because the [] option is not always used).


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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