On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, Dalyoung Jeong wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'd like to ask about drawing a line in the header and a line between 
> columns.
> 1)I'd like to add hairlines in the header using before and after in 
> \setupheader, but the lines was drawn from the leftend of the 
> leftmargin with the textwidth only. So, there is no line at the right 
> end of the header. How to make the lines start from the left end of 
> the text area?


> 2) I setup [rule=on] in column setup, but the length of the line 
> depends on the length of the text. How to draw the separation line 
> from the top to bottom?

Doesn't rule=on do that?

\startcolumns[rule=on, n=2]
\input knuth

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