Thank you, now I have something to play with! And yes, please, I would
very much like to look at you module.


2007/2/4, Aditya Mahajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sun, 4 Feb 2007, Johan Sandblom wrote:
> > In my document I want to include a few published pdf files. I have
> > accomplished this with
> >
> > \chapter{File 1}
> > \copypages[file1.pdf][scale=800] % 20 pages
> > \chapter{File 2}
> > \copypages[file1.pdf][scale=650] % 16 pages
> >
> > However, the included pages obey the layout of the rest of the
> > document, and even if the paper in my document could allow a larger
> > scale, I cannot use it since some part of the included file falls off
> > the page.
> Try without any value for scale, that is just \copypages[file1.pdf].
> > Is it possible to include pdf files and allow each page to use the
> > entire page (possibly with room left for a page number)?
> See below.
> > I have tried several versions including using makeup (but that is only
> > one page?), pagefigure (also only one page at a time).
> Basically you need to find out the number of pages of the file and
> then recursively include them one by one.
> Recently, I wanted to print a collection of papers as a single pdf,
> with its own table of contents etc. The trouble was that some of the
> papers were printed on A4 paper and some were on letter paper. So, I
> modified the copypages macro to suit my needs. There is very little
> configuration options for the macro, it behaves the way I wanted it
> to. Maybe, you can modify it to your needs.
> \unprotect
> %D Usage \copyfullpages[filename.pdf]
> \def\copyfullpages
>    {\dodoubleempty\docopyfullpages}
> \def\docopyfullpages[#1][#2]%
>    {\bgroup
>     \getfiguredimensions[#1]%
>     \getparameters[\??ip]
>       [\c!n=\noffigurepages,
>        \c!marking=\v!off,
>        \c!scale=\!!thousand,
>        \c!offset=\!!zeropoint,
>        #2]%
>     \dorecurse\@@ipn
> {\startTEXpage[\c!width=\paperwidth,\c!height=\paperheight,\c!offset=\@@ipoffset]
>         \externalfigure
>          [#1]
> [\c!page=\recurselevel,\c!width=\paperwidth,\c!height=\paperheight,\c!factor=\v!max,#2]
>          \stopTEXpage
>         \incrementnumber[page]}
>     \egroup}
> \protect
> For page numbers, I had a separate layer, which printed on top of the
> included pdfs (some pdfs were scanned images). I can send you my
> module if you want.
> Aditya
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Johan Sandblom  N8, MRC, Karolinska sjh
t +46851776108  17176 Stockholm
m +46735521477  Sweden
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the
will to find out, which is the exact opposite"
- Bertrand Russell
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