With the help of details.pdf, I have managed to define edgefigures
that use the margin and goes into the text and if it is wide enough
(criterium=xxx) becomes a normal figure. Is it possible to make an
even wider figure use both the textwidth and the margin? I have tried
to illustrate what I want below, a figure is placed as f1 until
criterium is met, then it is placed like f2, and I would like to know
how to achieve f3. It is not necessary that it is called the same
thing and automatic, they are easily identified before. Regards, Johan

  aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb
  aaaaaaaa  f2f2f2
f1f1 aaaaa  f2f2f2
f1f1 aaaaa bbbbbbbb
  aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb

  cccccccc dddddddd
f3f3f3f3f3 dddddddd
f3f3f3f3f3 dddddddd
  cccccccc dddddddd
  cccccccc dddddddd

Johan Sandblom  N8, MRC, Karolinska sjh
t +46851776108  17176 Stockholm
m +46735521477  Sweden
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the
will to find out, which is the exact opposite"
- Bertrand Russell
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