On Sun, 15 Apr 2007, Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:

> A font-embedding issue puzzles me.  First I make a metapost figure that
> uses plain tex for the label, so it uses cmr10.  Then I include it in a
> context document to get a .ps file.  The problem is that the label shows
> up in Courier (which ghostscript uses when it cannot find the font, I
> think).

I get this all the time when I try to preview my mp figures in 
ghostview. I thought that this was because my system was misconfigured 
and never really bothered to go into the details.

> Thanks for any suggestions!  The reason I'm using dvi and ps is that
> arxiv.org cannot handle ConTeXt submissions directly.  A workaround
> recommended by the arxiv.org maintainers is to submit document.ps with
> all the source files in a separate directory (but it won't let you
> submit document.pdf with all the source files, a behavior that the
> admins say is a bug or 'oddity' but not one that they'll fix soon).

Since they are not going to process the source, how about generating a 
pdf and then converting the pdf into ps.

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