Hello All,
  I am writing a project report for a PHP project I have completed and
I need to include the code I have written. I would like to have code
that is highlighted similar to the editor I use (it's Notepad2 but I'm
sure most of you know what I mean), has line numbers and is in a
monospaced font.

  Now I know that ConTeXt itself doesn't have support for PHP
highlighting but I have found something in the third party modules
that is able to use ViM to do what I want. Unfortuantely, I can't get
it to work, hence why I am here!

  I'm on Windows XP and I am using the standalone ConTeXt distribution
from the 22nd March 2007. When I came to install the module, I found
that it was already included in the distribution. I have installed the
distribution under C:\ConTeXt\ along with Perl (C:\perl\) and Ruby
(C:\ruby\). What is non-standard in my setup is my own custom built
batch file:

set file=c_Implementation
call C:\ConTeXt\usr\local\context\tex\setuptex.bat
call texmfstart texexec --pdf %file%

rem Clears up the log files and puts them in separete directory.
if exist %file%.log move %file%.log Log\%file%.log
if exist %file%-mpgraph.mp move %file%-mpgraph.mp Log\%file%-mpgraph.mp
if exist %file%.tmp move %file%.tmp Log\%file%.tmp
if exist %file%.tui move %file%.tui Log\%file%.tui
if exist %file%.tuo move %file%.tuo Log\%file%.tuo
if exist mpgraph.mp move mpgraph.mp Log\mpgraph.mp
if exist %file%-mpgraph-temp-mpgraph.mp move
%file%-mpgraph-temp-mpgraph.mp Log\%file%-mpgraph-temp-mpgraph.mp
if exist %file%-mpgraph-temp.dvi move %file%-mpgraph-temp.dvi
if exist %file%-mpgraph.log move %file%-mpgraph.log Log\%file%-mpgraph.log
if exist %file%-mpgraph.mp.keep move %file%-mpgraph.mp.keep
if exist %file%-mpgraph.1 move %file%-mpgraph.1 Log\%file%-mpgraph.1
if exist %file%-mpgraph.mpb move %file%-mpgraph.mpb Log\%file%-mpgraph.mpb
if exist %file%-mpgraph.mpo move %file%-mpgraph.mpo Log\%file%-mpgraph.mpo
if exist %file%-mpgraph.mpx move %file%-mpgraph.mpx Log\%file%-mpgraph.mpx

rem Runs whatever is associated with PDF files
if exist %file%.pdf start %file%.pdf

I'll put that in the directory of the .tex file I want to run it on.
In this case it is "c_Implementation.tex". My implementation file
looks like this:

\startcomponent c_Implementation
\product ../prd_TennisClubBookingSystem
\project ../../prj_School

% Setup Figures %

% Content %


\definevimtyping [RUBY] [syntax=ruby]
#! /usr/bin/ruby
# This is my first ruby program
puts "Hello World"

And when I run my batch file on it, TeXexec returns the error:
! Undefined control sequence.
l.36 \definevimtyping
                      [RUBY] [syntax=ruby]

I think where I am falling down is that ViM doesn't seem integrated to
me. I have it placed under C:\Programs\ViM\ and I used the installer
which has all the different types GUI and command line version as
well. Do I need the set something up in the module to make it know
where ViM is or do I need to somehow directly use ViM itself?

Thank you for reading and thank you in advance for any help!

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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