Oliver Buerschaper schrieb:
> Dear folks,
> can anyone reproduce this? (Live ConTeXt on the garden seems to run  
> into this \faststartcolor thing ... with pdfTeX.)
> Uncomment the page background overlay and the top bit of the frames'  
> titles will be chipped off ... doesn't happen for the plain vanilla  
> color background on my machine.
> ---
> \enableregime[utf]
> \setupcolors[state=start]
> \usetypescript[palatino][\defaultencoding]
> \setupbodyfont[palatino,30pt]
> \startMPenvironment
>       \usetypescript[palatino][\defaultencoding]
>       \switchtobodyfont[palatino,30pt]
> \stopMPenvironment
> \startuseMPgraphic{FunnyFrame}
>       picture pic;
>       path a,b;
>       a := unitsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight);

% = OverlayBox

>       pic := textext(\MPstring{FunnyFrame});
>       setbounds pic to (boundingbox pic) enlarged (BodyFontSize/5);
>       pic := pic shifted (OverlayWidth/2,OverlayHeight+(ypart ulcorner  
> pic)/2);
>       drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled OverlayLineWidth withcolor  
> OverlayLineColor);
>       b := a topenlarged (ypart center pic-OverlayHeight);
>       b := b smoothed BodyFontSize;
>       fill b withcolor white;
>       draw b;

% there is filldraw

>       b := (boundingbox pic) smoothed (BodyFontSize/2);
>       fill b withcolor yellow;
>       draw b;
>       draw pic withcolor black;
>       setbounds currentpicture to a;

        draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor red;

> \stopuseMPgraphic

the boundingbox sets the final size of the gfx. if your gfx is larger
than the bb, things will overlap. just enlarge the bb, so that it fits
the gfx.


> \defineoverlay[FunnyFrame][\useMPgraphic{FunnyFrame}]
> \defineframedtext
>       [FunnyText]
>       [background=FunnyFrame,
>        frame=off,
>        rulethickness=3pt,
>        width=\textwidth]
> \def\startFrame#1{%
>       \setMPtext{FunnyFrame}{\hbox spread 1em{\hss\strut#1\hss}}%
>       \startFunnyText}
> \def\stopFrame{\stopFunnyText}
> \startuniqueMPgraphic{shade}
>       path p;
>       p := unitsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight);
>       linear_shade(p,6,blue,white);
> \stopuniqueMPgraphic
> \defineoverlay[shade][\useMPgraphic{shade}]
> %\setupbackgrounds
> %     [page]
> %     [background=shade]
> %\setupbackgrounds
> %     [page]
> %     [background=color,
> %      backgroundcolor=blue]
> \noheaderandfooterlines
> \starttext
>       \showframe
>       \startFrame{Test 1}
>               The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
>       \stopFrame
>       \startFrame{Test 2}
>               The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
>       \stopFrame
> \stoptext
> ---
> Cheerio,
> Oliver
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
> If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 
> Wiki!
> maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
> webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
> archive  : https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
> wiki     : http://contextgarden.net
> ___________________________________________________________________________________

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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